Thursday 13 March 2014

The Roaming Dive

A couple of guys called Pete and Mo are running the coolest, slickest food truck in town. You've probably seen it around- you know, the blue and white one with the yellow signs and delicious food. The one with sliders and po-boys to die for.

In case you haven't already cottoned on, it's called The Roaming Dive, and it hangs out at Silo park most weekends. A few weeks ago the girls and I (and Allie's beautiful dog Maggie) strolled down there to visit them and make the most of a beautiful sunny day. This was the third time I had tried The Roaming Dive, so I knew it was good, and knew it was time I shared this place with all of you.

Pete wasn't around this time, but Mo was manning the fort, and served us up a huge array of food. Chicken sliders and fries for Alice and Jamie, a prawn po-boy for Allie, and a beef slider and buffalo wings for me. All of the food is amazing - the girls like the spicy sweet chicken sliders the most, but I've decided that the pulled beef dunked slider is a winner for me (although I might have to go back a few more times ... just to be sure).

The food at The Roaming Dive really is exceptionally good, and in an increasingly competitive market of food trucks they are definitely standing out. As you would expect for a food truck the menu is small, but executed well - these guys know their stuff!

After a big feast we bumped into our friend Richie (who had about six dogs in tow), and we all sat in the sun contentedly full, laughing at the dogs making friends, and chatting the afternoon away.

If you haven't been to check out the markets at Silo Park please go this weekend. It is AWESOME. My favourite time to visit is Friday nights, when they screen open air movies and the place is bustling with busy food vendors and hungry patrons.

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