Wednesday 17 December 2014

Columbia Road and Lilli Vanilli

Every Sunday come rain, shine (or hangover), I wander around the corner to Columbia Road.  We weave through a few narrow streets past an old pub and some antique stalls until we hear the shouts of the flower traders and the music of the buskers along the street.

Conveniently one of my favourite local bakery/cafes Lily Vanilli is just off Columbia Road and open every Sunday. They bake the most amazing cakes, slices and muffins, but most importantly have the BEST sausage rolls I've ever had. They are crunchy, cripsy, and deliciously rich with hunks of bacon the way through.

It's always packed so you'd be lucky to get a table, but even when you are standing under shelter from the rain trying to balance a coffee, a sausage roll and an armfull of flowers it's still amazing.

At the moment the markets are full of Christmas trees and flower wreaths, and they are doing Christmas night markets every Wednesday. This weekend will be your last chance to enjoy the Christmas madness on Columbia Road so if you haven't been already then hot-foot it there this Sunday!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Winter Wonderland

It's finally summer in New Zealand, and while you've all been working on tans and bikini bodies I've been buying coats and scarves and bundling up in preperation for my first London winter (god help me).

The thing is, and I know this sounds stupid, but Christmas in winter time feels completely right. Snowflakes and Santa, roasted chestnuts and mulled get my drift. So getting into the festive swing of things, Alice and I decided to go to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park.

It is possibly the most magical Christmassy place I've ever been. You can wander around sipping on mulled wine, riding roller coasters, and perusing the market stalls.

We obviously had to get hot dogs, and it seems like there about 30 vendors to choose from, but for a great atmosphere head to the Bavarian Beer Hall.

Beer, hot dogs and Christmas... It doesn't get much better!