Tuesday 21 October 2014


I've arrived in burger heaven. London has been perfecting the art of the burger for many years, and you can barely round a street corner without finding a new place to indulge in one.

MEATliquor was one of the first places I visited. It was dark and glowing red (so apologies for the dark and red photos), and more like a bar than any burger joint I've seen.

I went straight for the Dead Hippie; the signature burger full of two mustard fried beef patties, dead hippie sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and minced white onions. Tat went for the cheeseburger, and to share we had a gluttonous plate of cheese and onion fries.

We weren't particularly hungry to start off with, so it was an ambitious meal, but with some dogged determination we managed to finish our meals. It helped that the burgers were delicious - cooked perfectly medium rare (though that could have been the red lighting), on soft brioche buns, and absolutely dripping with cheese. 

It's only the beginning of my burger tour of London, but it was a pretty good start and I'll be impressed with anything that can top this.

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