Thursday 5 March 2015

Albion Cafe

Breakfasts are a glorious thing. A time to sit and drink cup after cup of coffee, eat far too much food, and plan your adventures for the day. 

I was lucky enough to have James visit for a month, and we were out for breakfasts, lunches and dinnners for what felt like every meal. This one in particular was a lazy Sunday morning where we wandered through the sun dappled streets around the back of Shoreditch to Albion cafe on Redchurch Street.

We had a pot of coffee to share, and both devoured beans on toast. And when I say beans I mean the best baked beans I've ever had. I've got to give it to them, the English know good breakfasts.

Albion is a great, classic cafe that will definitely hit the spot when you're on the lookout for a good brekkie. They also have a whole lot of artisan food and freshly baked bread to buy and take home, basically combining my two great loves of food shopping and food eating in one fell swoop.

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