Tuesday 11 June 2013

Citizen Park

For a blog that claims to be about food and lifestyle from Kingsland I've been a bit of a sell-out to the bright lights and glossy people of Ponsonby and Britomart.

In saying that though, I eat at Kingland's Citizen Park pretty much every week so it was about time I got myself in line and strung a few words and photos together. This time I had my sister Suzie in tow, and while she can be the picture of sophistication she didn't quite know how to play it subtle with the camera. You'll see...

After a few teething problems at the beginning Citizen Park have now really come into their own. With their unpretentious Mexi-Americano inspired menu and huge glasses of Heineken I find myself dining there dangerously often and it just gets better and better.

This time Suz and I had the Dirty Bird, Cajun Spiced Fries and a soft taco each. That and a big jug of Tiger beer came to $60 something all together. Pretty good right?

Tiger Beer

Fried chicken again (I know, I know)...

Dirty Bird Citizen Park review

Be warned, the place gets jam packed before any rugby games but they have that old fashioned thing where you can call up and tell them you want to sit somewhere in advance, I believe it's called a reservation (a rarity these days).

citizen park

citizen park

Suzie and I had a lovely afternoon in the sun at CP as the place slowly cleared out around us, and the following succession of photos describe our afternoon perfectly. They also possibly explain why the place slowly cleared out around us...

NB: never leave camera alone.

Anyway, the clever wee things at Citizen Park have even put a fancy retractable roof over the courtyard so there's no excuse to stay at home eating soup all winter. Put on your taco eating pants and get on down, at the rate I'm going I'll probably see you there.

citizen park

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