Sunday 16 June 2013

Terrariums 101

I've been eyeing up terrariums for the last year or so but it was only when Allie made one last week that my terrarium envy reached breaking point. It was about time I did it seeing as we've had an empty terrarium floating around the house for the last six months, so here we go.

A terrarium is basically a glorified pot plant in a glass bowl or vase. They've become really popular recently and you can even buy ready made ones (I know there is a shop in Ponsonby that sells them for about $300 a pop!)

How to make a Terrarium

Here are a few of my favourite terrariums I found on Pinterest. Get inspired! Some clever cookie has even used a lightbulb.

For those of us who don't have a spare $300 for a plant, here is my recipe for terrariums:
  • 1 vessel (you can buy special terrariums or a just use a fish bowl or vase)
  • 3 cups of pebbles
  • 1 cup of activated filter carbon (from the fish section in a pet store)
  • 4 cups of potting mix
  • A selection of baby potting plants

Obviously the amount you need will differ depending on how big you're going, my terrarium is about 20/25 cm in diameter, 10cm deep and these quantities worked for me. I used one with a removable top which was great as I don't have the patience for arranging plants with tweasers.

How to make a Terrarium

How to make a Terrarium

How to make a Terrarium

Cover the base of your terrarium with a layer of pebbles, these will act as a natural drain for your little plants. Next cover the pebbles with a layer of activated filter carbon.

How to make a Terrarium

How to make a Terrarium

Now add in your soil, arrange your plants, and voila! It's almost disappointingly easy.

You could stop here and it would be a thing of beauty, but for anyone who has a weakness for kitsch like me the next step is where the fun really begins.

How to make a Terrarium

How to make a Terrarium

How to make a Terrarium

How to make a Terrarium

Bring out your inner 5 year old and see what happens. I won't judge you if you don't judge me!

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