Friday 12 September 2014

London - Wahaca

So there I was; bags packed, cameras in tow and ready to set off on two painstakingly long flights as I embarked on my OE.

While it felt like I was about to explore unseen places and make my mark on the world I was hardly breaking the mould, I was following a path to London worn in by many Kiwis before me. Just another bag pushing the 23kg weight limit, another wallet stuffed full of pounds...just another farewell on the well trodden red carpet at the Auckland International Airport departures gate.

Knowing many have gone before me doesn't make it any easier though; a long few weeks of goodbyes, many tears, and about 4 garbage bags full of things I couldn't take with me later, I was absolutely shattered and looking forward to the 24 hours of confined movie watching and sleeping ahead.

So finally, after two flights, one train, and two tubes later I emerged from the depths of the London Underground to a blaze of sunshine (don't worry, I won't get used to it), and a flurry of almost laughably cliched red double-decker buses and black cabs. I had most definitely arrived.

Of course one of the appeals of London is the food. While the NZ food scene is in it's prime with trendy new places opening each week, I greedily wanted more, and more I will certainly get. With it's never ending stream of new openings, pop-ups, and what seems like an ridiculous amount of burger restaurants, I had arrived in my very own foodie-heaven.

My first meal out, and the eventual point of this post is Wahaca; a trendy Mexican restaurant chain in Soho. Tat and I visited for lunch, and immediately I was impressed by the cool decor. Admittedly I was (and still am) wide-eyed and impressionable after less that 24 hours in the city, but I think anyone would agree that this place had nailed it.

We eased in with guacamole to start, with corn chips and fennel dusted pork scratchings as our dipping vessels.

Photo-shy Tat (or maybe she just doesn't like me taking photos while she had a mouth full of guac) and I shared a few dishes from the main menu, but they do do an epic weekday lunch special for 10 pounds which looked pretty damn good too.

We weren't too hungry so only ordered a few things - the prawn and scallop ceviche tostada, and the fiery pork tacos to share.

We were told this wouldn't be enough food but were both left groaning in our seats, thankful that we had a walk home to relieve us.

The food was quick, delicious and reasonably cheap (even with me converting everything to NZD in my head), and I left buzzing after my first gastronomic adventure in the city that will soon be my home (well, second home).

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