Tuesday 3 June 2014

Better Burger

OK I promise this is the last burger post I will write for a while...but how could I resist blogging the coolest new burger bar in town? Especially seeing as it is my favourite so far.

Better Burger is a new burger joint sandwiched in between Britomart Country Club and 1885. It is open through from lunch to the wee hours of the morning, and I'm certain that many of the people in the 1885 line will have to throw in the towel and succumb their night to the delicious wafting smell of burgers.

We (especially Alice) were pretty excited to order, and all unashamedly chose the double cheeseburger - in my opinion the only thing that should be ordered off this menu.

Of course accompanied by fries and shakes.

The burgers were cooked to medium rare perfection, and were laden with pickles and cheese- just the way they should be.

We were on a quick lunch break, so gobbled up the burgers as quickly as we could and rushed back to work- with just enough time for Alice and I to have a quick photo outside.

Jamie decided she wanted to be in the photo too... and without much choice we relented.

The vast choice of burger bars is daunting at the moment to say the least. But if you haven't already, head down to Britomart- maybe even do a double header at Pinky's and Better Burger and let me know your favourite!


  1. Come on these burgers & fries are so average! Chips were like cardboard and the burger tasted like something from a crap fish and chip shop. Do you ever give bad reviews?

    1. Each to their own opinion! I really enjoyed Better Burger (along with everyone else I know who has tried it), and thought that the quality was great for such a low price point.

      I'm not a food critic, so yes I don't post bad reviews, I just review places I really enjoy and that I would like to recommend to other people.
