Saturday 24 August 2013

Breakfast: Quail Eggs on Toast

Everyone loves a good eggy on toast, but occasionally it's nice to make your breakfast a bit more sophisticated. Times like this call for quail eggs on ciabatta (fancy, eh?).

You can get quail eggs from specialty supermarkets, sometimes even good ol' New World Freemans Bay, or your local farmers market. Even better (albeit slightly more work), start a quail coop and you'll have yourself a few plump little birds that lay an egg a day

They eggs themselves are smaller, more delicate and have a slightly richer taste than Mr Chicken's.

I like them cooked in all different ways, but this time I chose boiled eggs on pesto and simply fried and placed atop a slice of manuka smoked butter smothered ciabatta.

The eggs are small, and somewhat fiddly, but they look and taste beautiful. Whether on toast for breakfast, in a salad or however else you like, quail eggs will take your meal to another level (and people will think you're really clever).

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