Friday 16 August 2013

Suzie's Mulled Wine Tour

As I mentioned in my Arrowtown post, Suzie took it upon herself to find the best mulled wine in the region- a noble quest.

We tried many, and had our fair share of hideous concoctions, but there were a few standouts worth sharing.

One of the first mulled wines was up the mountain at Cardrona Alpine Resort during a ski-break tipple. I opted for a local 'Brewski' (ha) from the Wanaka Beerworks but Suz went for the mulled wine which we decided was good, but not amazing. And so the hunt continued.

Next stop was at the famous Cardrona Hotel; one of New Zealand's oldest and most iconic hotels. It's the place to be apres-ski and we weren't going to miss out.

The mulled wine was good, but the best thing was the character of the bar and the marshmallows you could roast on the open fire. If you find yourself in this part of the country, Cardrona Hotel is a must do.

Although we had already had some success on the mulled wine tour, we decided to give it one more go. This time we were up Coronet Peak and started off at Heidi's Hut, a cute little cafe at the bottom of the T-Bar. We were very impressed with its depth of flavour and thought we had found our winner.

But the best was yet to come.

On our last run of the day we stopped at the top of Greengates to find what is possibly the best invention in Queenstown. A makeshift, open air bar where skiers and boarders can have drinks and snacks on beanbags overlooking the spectacular view.

We ordered the mulled wine (of course) and it was incredible. The barman made it from scratch with cloves, star anise, cardamon, and cinnamon, resulting in the best mulled wine any of us had ever had. It was settled- we had found our winner.



A lot of mulled wine, and a lot of hard work, but someone had to do it. 


  1. It is very amazing to all of them who like to raveling. Wine make the tour more joyous. I have liked this content as well and sure that it will be very important to me as well.

  2. Hi there,great to see your post.The Cardrona Hotel prides itself on surpassing your desires through nature of service,portrayed by warm personal consideration.What a gem of a place where time appears to have stopped: the fabric of the building and every one of its ancient rarities have been affectionately saved throughout the years since it was opened in 1863.Thank you so much.

    @Lillie Jensen.
