Thursday 19 September 2013

Clevedon Farmers Market

On Sunday I drove out to the wop wops to meet up with Mum, Humphrey and Julie at the Clevedon Village Farmers Market. Central Auckland is pretty spoilt for markets these days, but it's nice to venture out a bit further sometimes, and since the first time I visited the Clevedon Markets earlier this year I've been hooked.

As much as I love the busy, bustling markets in town, heading out to Clevedon is pretty special for the acres of picturesque farmland surrounding the markets- not to mention the amazing food on offer. 

There's a lot of your usual suspect market fare like fresh bread, cured meats, fresh produce, artisan sauces and all the rest, but unlike our inner city markets, most of the produce and products in Clevedon are sourced from the surrounding area. 

I was starving by the time we arrived, so headed straight for the Clevedon Cuisine stall for a bacon and egg bap. With a dollop of each of the sauces on offer, this was the perfect breakfast, and is my staple meal every time I go.

I also grabbed a couple of things to take home- a pot of bocconcini from the Clevedon Valley Buffalo Company and loaf of sourdough from Pukeko Bakery to accompany it. Not to mention the free range pork roast from Harmony Meats to take home for dinner that night. Sorted!

One thing I've noticed about the Clevedon Markets is their incredible value for money. Most of the hot food is only $5 a pop, and all of the other goodies on offer seemed pretty reasonable too. More bang for your buck! 

Because it was such good value, I decided I should probably have another meal. I was still  absolutely stuffed, but couldn't resist the delicious Pomodoro Soup with Spicy Meatballs. If you can spare the space I seriously recommend this soup, perfectly warming for a chilly spring day like last Sunday.

On our way out Julie and Mum grabbed a whole lot of plants to add to their gardens. They were looking much more sophisticated with their straw baskets and coffees than I was with pomodoro soup all over my face (it was worth it). 

So with laden baskets, a tired little Humphrey, and one very full stomach (mine) we were satisfied and ready to leave. Until next time Clevedon!


  1. I want that soup! Nice work pretty lady

    1. Thanks lovey! We should go out there one weekend x
