Thursday 25 July 2013

F***ing Good Burgers

There are days when I am modest about my cooking skills, however, today is not one of those days.

After slaving away at Burgerfuel for 4 years while I was at University, eating my way through the entire menu about 30 times, and gaining about 5 kg while I was at it, I can now proclaim myself a burger expert- hence the title of this post. 

So, after a sneaky Sunday trip to Farro, James and I had enough burger ingredients to feed a small army...It was going to be an elastic waistband kind of day.

The Essentials
The best beef mince you can buy (with a dash of hot sauce mixed in)
Buns, preferably brioche or good sesame buns
Tomato Relish
Mayo or aioli, homemade is best!

The rest is up to you, come on, get the creative juices flowing and turn your kitchen into a bomb site (especially if someone else is cleaning up).

While the toppings and condiments are very important, the glory lies in the patty. I like to cook mine to medium so it is slightly pink in the middle, and I highly recommend you follow suit. Once you've flipped the patties put the cheese on top so it can start melting and form a gooey delicious mess. And yes, you have to put cheese on, diet schmiet.

Once the patties are cooked I also like to put my buns in the pan to warm them through and give them a bit of a crisping. Best done with a griddle pan or on the BBQ.

There was a bit of debate over whose burger was better, but I'll let you decide that mine was better for yourself.

His: One measly patty, cheddar, bacon, egg, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, onion blah blah blah boring boring boring.

Mine: Double patties, Dutch Maasdam cheese, Stilton cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and lashings of Culley's Scorpion Hot Sauce.


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