Tuesday 30 July 2013

Thurlow's 30th Birthday

On Friday night 17 people bundled into cars and drove south to Whangapoua for the weekend. While you don't really need any excuse for a mini-break, this weekend was particularly special as it was Thurlow's 30th birthday- Hooray!!

We had a relaxing Friday night (well, the girls did while the boys played poker until 4am) and woke up for a big breakfast on Saturday. The sun was shining and there was excitement in the air as we lazed around and the boys prepared to play golf for the day.

But then, as soon as the last golf club laden car was out of sight Suzie called a meeting, and with her notepad and pen in hand, she told us that we had 5 hours to transform the house into the most fantastical, bestest grown-up kids party ever seen.

Decorations spilled from their hiding places, cakes were iced, bunting was hung and some helium even made it into the balloons. The time flew by, and before we knew it we had word from Ash, our man on the ground, that they boys were on their way back. With a scream and a combined bolt for the showers we finally turned the efforts to our own appearance- gaaah!

Once everyone was in their best party frock we threw together some gin and elderflower cocktails ready for the boys (and girls, of course) who were on their way up the driveway. Surprise!

After a few cocktails the boys donned their party outfits with the birthday boy looking especially spiffing decked out in braces and a birthday badge. Darkness crept on and we surveyed our handiwork while sipping on cocktails and nibbling cheerios- yeah, I know this is a food blog but I'll never be above party food.

Once everyone was cocktailed out (if ever possible) champagne was popped, dinner was served, and we ate, drank and laughed the night away.

As the night progressed the photography deteriorated, so I will end my story here, but what an amazing night it was (all because of the decorations I reckon).

Happy 30th Thurlow! May every party be more childlike than the last!

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